Storytelling in the age of deconstruction
The climate ritual has developped into a wider story in the age of decosntruction. It builds up into a new curriculum for architects. What elements of the building and our environement could we reconfigure to adapt?

A. Prologue
The climate ritual 

B. Economy
Building is not a commodity, a collective challenge of meaning

C. Materiality

Knowing is worth showing  
D. Fondation

Being anchored in reality  
E. Time, space and life

 A representation in perspective

F. Walls

A new ecotone

G. Roofs
Sheltering and our relationship to climate
H. Collaging
Layers of systemic understanding
I. Feminism
Spatial understanding of inclusivity
J. Constructing
A multi species collaboration
K. Daily opera

Multi species understanding of the built environment

All those chapters are touching upon future architecture to be developed.